As a prelude to the celebration on October 10 of the Black Maroons’ Day: His Majesty Tovomandjèhougni demonstrates his attachment to the black people of Suriname

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On October 10, Suriname will celebrate the Black Maroon Day: “Marron Day”.
As a prelude to this identity celebration, His Majesty Tovomandjèhougni, through a message, testifies to his attachment to the black people of Suriname.
He says he is grateful for the warm welcome he received a few months ago when he was on a working visit to Suriname.
Having discovered this country according to the Beninese dignitary is a wonderful thing which he will never forget.
And he owes this to Dr Idriss Walé Adjibade to whom he sends his sincere thanks.
His Majesty Tovomandjèhougni says he regrets that relations between the latter and him are no longer good in recent days despite his noble intentions towards the black people of Suriname who according to him must know their true history and return to the source if necessary.
He says he is particularly touched by these people who mainly come from Dahomey back home in Benin.
« I would really have liked to hold my Africa Vodoun Usa festival as initially agreed but unfortunately things are shaping up differently. However, my greatest desire is to be by your side on this memorable day because for me you are a second family ». he concluded.

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